Plant Systems Biology @ The Coruzzi Lab
From predictive network modeling to trait evolution

PI: Gloria Coruzzi
Co-PI: Amelia Henry ( International Rice Research Institute )

NSF PGRP- 1840761
PI: Gloria Coruzzi
Co-PIs: D. Shasha (NYU Courant)

NSF IOS-1758800
PI: Richard McCombie (CSHL)
Co-PIs: M. Schatz (John Hopkins University), D. Little (NYBG), G. Coruzzi (NYU), D. Stevenson (NYBG)

DOE Grant DE-SC001437
PI: Gloria Coruzzi
Co-PIs: R. Gutierrez (PUC), R. DeSalle (AMNH), D. Stevenson (NYBG), W.R. McCombie (CSHL), J.M. Ane & H. Kaeppler (UW)

“Hit and Run Transcription- The impact of transient interactions in dynamic gene regulatory networks that mediate rapid nutrient signaling”
Project Number: 1R01GM121753-01A1
PI: Gloria Coruzzi
Co-PIs: Dennis Shasha (NYU Courant)

“Nutri-Net: A network-inspired approach to improving nutrient use efficiency in crop plants “
NSF IOS-1339362
PI: Gloria Coruzzi
Co-PIs: D. Shasha (NYU Courant), S. Moose (UICU), S. Ruffel (INRA), G. Krouk (INRA)

“Prospecting for Resources: A systems integration of local and systemic nutrient signaling “
NSF MCB-1412232
PI: Gloria Coruzzi
Co-PIs: D. Shasha (NYU Courant)

“Asparagine Synthetase Regulatory Network and Plant Nitrogen Metabolism”
DOE Grant DE-FG02-92ER20071
PI Gloria Coruzzi

“A Systems Approach to the NPK Nutriome and Its Effect on Biomass”
NSF Grant MCB-1158273
PI: Gloria Coruzzi
Co-PIs: D. Shasha (NYU Courant), Alessia Para Gallio (NYU)

“A Systems Approach to Regulatory Networks Controlling N assimilation”
NIH NIGMS Grant GM032877
PI: Gloria Coruzzi

“Genomics of Comparative Seed Evolution”
NSF Grant IOS-0922738
PI: Gloria Coruzzi
Co-PIs: D. Stevenson (NYBG), R. McCombie (CSHL), R. DeSalle (AMNH)

“N2010: Nitrogen Networks in Plants”
NSF Arabidopsis 2010 Genome Grant MCB-0929338
PI: Gloria Coruzzi
Co-PIs: D. Shasha (NYU Courant), N.Crawford (UCSD)

“Conceptual Data Integration for the VirtualPlant”
NSF Database Activities Grant DBI0445666
PI: Gloria Coruzzi
CoPIs: R. Gutierrez (P. Universidad Catolica de Chile), D. Shasha (NYU Courant), 6/2005-11/2010.

A single cell view of the spatiotemporal nitrogen response in roots
NIH NIGMS Fellowship 1F32GM139299-01A1 9/2021 – 9/2024
National Institute of Health – F32 Postdoctoral Individual National Research Service Award
Awardee: Carly Shanks, Sponsor – Gloria Coruzzi

NIH NIGMS Fellowship 1F32GM116347
Awarded to: Matthew Brooks, 1/2016 – 1/2018
Title: “Uncovering the molecular basis for dynamic regulatory networks in plants”

Marie Curie Fellowship CNRS PIOF-659592
Awarded to: Eleonore Bouguyon, 9/2015 – 8/2018
Title: “NITRO SYSTEMS: Reaching the roots of systemic nitrogen (N) signaling in plants”

EMBO Long-term Fellowship ALTF 1449-2015
Awarded to: Sophie Leran, 1/2016 – 1/2018
Title: “Nutrient Signaling in plants: “Hit and Run” model as a master regulatory mechanism”

NIH NIGMS Fellowship 5F32GM095273
Awarded to: Amy Marshall-Colon, 8/2010 – 7/2013
Title: “Arabidopsis N-regulatory Network Dynamic: Integrating Metablome & Transcriptome”

Marie Curie Fellowship CNRS PIOF-GA-2008-225107
Awarded to: Gabriel Krouk, 8/2008 – 2/2011
Title: “Systems biology of nitrogen-carbon-signal integration in the overall Arabidopsis signaling network”

NIH NIGMS Fellowship 1F32GM075600
Awarded to: Manpreet Katari, 9/2005 – 8/2007
Title: “Networks of nitrogen regulated genes in seed”

EMBO Long-term Fellowship ALTF 107-2005
Awarded to: Miriam Gifford, 6/2005 – 1/2007
Title: “Nitrogen-regulatory gene networks: Integrating metabolic control of development”